
Although subject to change, current installation is relatively simple. Well, at least for linux users. Windows support may arrive in the future.


First, if you wish to truly use the program, you need at least two devices. One to setup as a server, the other as the client. Next, download the source files in your desired directory:

git clone

Once all that is done, do it with your other devices. At this point, all source files are “installed”. Unfortunately, due to it still being in development, PiCloud has no installation scripts or fully-functioning cli or gui interfaces. Thus, please consider following the Usage section below.


Follow these steps to set up and use the PiCloud source files.

Setting up the Server

Now for installing the server software. Starting from the location of the previously made command:

cd PiCloud/src

Of course, you may use which every editor you prefer instead of nano. These commands creates a file called in the same directory of, which is the main module you need to import. Start by typing this into

from pycloud import *

def main():
        logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s',
        server = ServerSocket(46000)

if __name__ == '__main__':

What this does is (1) creates a logging file for logging certain important information, (2) creates an instance of ServerSocket, (3) activates this socket by putting it into the main event loop. Next, save this file and exit. You may run this file now or later, your choice. Once you do, you have fully functioning server listening on port 46000.

Setting up the Client

Setting up the client works quite similarly. Clone the repository, cd to src, and then this time make a file called, or really whatever you feel like calling it. Put this in the file:

from pycloud import *

def main():
        logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s',
        c = ClientSocket(server_ip, 46000)
        f = pre_proc('your_file_here')
        send_file(c, f)
        while evaluate(c) == 0:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Add all this into the file except for server_ip and 'your_file_here'. Instead of these, put in the actual ip of your device running the server, and the name of a file you would like to transfer in quotes and including the file extension. Once finished, simply make sure your server is running, and then run and viola! your file has magically been copied to the other computer.


After running your first time, you may notice that a picloud.log file has been created. If you open it up and view it in a text editor, it has documented the important parts of the interaction between server and client. If you ever run into problems, it is a good idea to check out the logs here.

User Accounts

While still completely in development, a user account management system is sort of in place already. To create a “user”, simply create an ID file in your client-side directory, and send it using the above method. Open an empty file, and name it whatever username you want to have, then with a .id file extension. Then write in the file your password. If you send this file to the server, the server automatically creates your user account.